The indigenous people we visit and study with on our trips tell us that the only thing standing in the way of crossing that perception bridge into a new and better reality is a jaguar that terrifies us (for example, the fear of change, the fear of failure, the fear of ridicule). It is a mistake to run from the jaguar, to avoid or deny that which we fear. Instead we must go to it, confront it, touch it. When we do, the jaguar gives us its power.
A personal example: As a writer, one of my jaguars is that the ideas won’t come to me today; I tell myself that I have to do something else, I’ll postpone writing until tomorrow. I’ve learned that if I touch that jaguar, commit to sitting down at my computer and writing for at least an hour, magic often happens, ideas come, I enjoy myself, and feel much better prepared to write again tomorrow, the next day. . .
After briefly discussing these ideas at my talks (and in the book), I offer this take-away:
Daily Practices for a Happier Life and Better World
Define your dream, your greatest desire, a life that will bring you the most happiness;
Describe how your dream can support a Life Economy;
Put 1. and 2. in writing;
Identify the jaguar that blocks you from realizing your dream and what you must do to touch that jaguar and receive its power;
Read 3 and 4 to yourself every morning and take daily actions to make them happen. Realize that actions can be as simple as sending an email or as complicated as running for public office. The important thing: Do something every single day that advances your dream for a happier life and a better world.