Touching the Jaguar - A Journey to the Lands of the Maya (Guatemala)
Soar into the power and mystery of the ancient prophecies. Join John Perkins, NY Times bestselling author and leading expert on indigenous cultures and shamanism, Daniel Koupermann, expedition guide and environmentalist, and local Mayan shamans (“Nanas” and “Tatas”), teachers, and Day-keepers (Calendar readers) on this life-changing adventure to the mountains and rain forests of Central America.

Are you ready to remember The Sacred Codes written in your DNA? Like the Acorn feels the urge to become the Oak tree, within each of us, we feel a longing to become one with our true Nature. Our divine potential, rooted in Nature… Tapped deeply into Mother Earth….
Welcome to this gathering of leaders, visionaries, truth seekers, and wisdom-keepers. Sign up for this free virtual event!

Our 2025 journey to the sacred headwaters of the Amazon is now sold out - but there is still space available on my March 2025 trip to the lands of the Maya.
Soar into the beauty, power and mystery of these magnificent mountains and ancient forests and their plants, animals, and native people. Join John Perkins, NY Times bestselling author and business consultant on ways to transform the degenerative Death Economy to a regenerative Life Economy, and expert on indigenous cultures and shamanism, Daniel Koupermann, expedition guide and environmentalist, and local indigenous shamans and teachers on this life-changing adventure to one of the most biodiverse and ecologically important areas of the planet.

The Shifting Geopolitics of Economic Hit Man Strategies | Lecture at Plymouth State University
The balance of global power has shifted from the US to China in just two decades. Why? Economic hit men (EHM) strategies. The biggest problem is that both counties contribute to a Death Economy that is consuming and polluting itself to self-destruction. In this talk, former EHM John Perkins shares personal stories and describes EHM tools of fraudulent reports, rigged elections, payoffs, sex, and assassinations. He advocates a strategy that creates a regenerative Life Economy and encourages you to answer: what can I personally do?

Using Inner Peace, Love and Indigenous Wisdom to Create an Ecological Civilization (Sivananda, Bahamas)
Join John for his new course Using Inner Peace, Love and Indigenous Wisdom to Create an Ecological Civilization, a destination event with Sivananda Ashram in the Bahamas. Learn how confronting personal and communal fears, biases, and blockages empowers us to alter reality in positive ways.

Enhancing Inner Peace and Love; Creating an Ecological Civilization (Blue Spirit, Costa Rica)
John Perkins will be teaching again at Blue Spirit with “Enhancing Inner Peace and Love; Creating an Ecological Civilization.” I will lead you through step-by-step processes that focus our minds and emotions on gaining more inner peace and love and enhancing social, environmental, and personal relationships. We will learn practices that transform blockages and empower actions that attain our deepest goals while creating sustainable futures.

Journey to the Enchanted Headwaters of the Amazon (Ecuador)
Our January 2024 journey to the Sacred Headwaters of the Amazon is now completed! Stay tuned for more opportunities later in the year.
The Andes Mountains and the Amazon Rainforest belong to each other. They are intimately related - the geology, the life zones, and biodiversity all depend on each other. This symbiotic relation also happens with the indigenous people who live in the mountains and the rainforest. Join John Perkins and Daniel Koupermann on this life-changing adventure to one of the most biodiverse and ecologically important areas of the planet.

Planet Local Summit, Bristol, England +Livestream
I’m looking forward to joining a tremendous group of speakers at The Planet Local Summit in Bristol, England. This incredible three-day event organized by Local Futures includes speakers from many different cultures, countries, and backgrounds who will come together to explore the relationship between local and global economies and the path to transition from degenerative systems that are failing us to regenerative ones that can usher in a sustainable future…

The Meltingpot, Ostrava, Czech Republic
The Meltingpot is the part of the Colours of Ostrava Festival (an annual event attended by about 55,000 participants) where influential people discuss the challenges of today’s rapidly changing world, including identifying the opportunities for transformation, exploring the role of human perceptions in molding reality, and offering potential solutions.
Indigenous Wisdom and Proven Practices that Will Change Your Life and Create an Ecological Civilization - An Online Course
John Perkins is dedicated to materializing a global Ecological Civilization. He combines fifty years of learning from Indigenous teachers with decades as a consultant to global leaders, environmental activist, entrepreneur, and author of eleven bestselling books on personal and worldwide transformation. He invites you to join him and map out a future that brings you joy and prosperity – and the knowledge that you are promoting an Ecological Civilization.

John Perkins and David Korten Discuss 'Confessions: Third Edition,' Bainbridge Island, WA
Join best-selling authors John Perkins and David Korten as they discuss John’s new book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man; 3rd Edition: China’s EHM Strategy; Ways to Stop the Global Takeover at Eagle Harbor Book Company on Bainbridge Island, WA.

Touching the Jaguar - Transforming Fear into Positive Action (Bahamas)
Shamans, like psychotherapists, quantum physicists, and advertising executives, understand that we change reality by altering our mindsets, our dreams — our perceptions. When you “touch the jaguar,” you confront your fears and channel them into perceptions that can alter reality in positive ways.

Touching the Jaguar, Riding Uncertainty to Higher Consciousness (Costa Rica)
“ ‘Touching the Jaguar’ inspires us to create a new reality of what it means to be humans on this magnificent planet.” -Deepak Chopra
Therapists, quantum physicists, Indigenous teachers and marketing experts know that reality changes by altering perceptions. Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam and shamanism teach that to end personal and global crises we must embrace uncertainty and harness our fears – touch and ride the jaguar – to higher consciousness.
Join John and other acclaimed teachers for this “Wisdom and Wellbeing” week at beautiful Blue Spirit on Costa Rica’s tropical Pacific Coast.

Touching the Jaguar A Journey to the Lands of the Maya (Guatemala)
Soar into the power and mystery of the ancient prophecies. Join John Perkins, NY Times bestselling author and leading expert on indigenous cultures and shamanism, Daniel Koupermann, expedition guide and environmentalist, and local Mayan shamans (“Nanas” and “Tatas”), teachers, and Day-keepers (Calendar readers) on this life-changing adventure to the mountains and rainforests of Central America. Apply “shapeshifting” approaches; elevate yourself to higher states of consciousness; touch your jaguar; receive personal healings, calendar readings and divinations of your future from Mayan shamans; transform yourself and the world around you.

Adventure to the Ecuadorian High Andes and Sacred Headwaters of the Amazon (Ecuador)
Soar into the beauty, power and mystery of these magnificent mountains and ancient forests and their plants, animals, and native people. Join John Perkins, NY Times bestselling author and leading expert on indigenous cultures and shamanism and Daniel Koupermann, expedition guide and environmentalist, and local indigenous guides and shamans on this life-changing adventure to one of the most biodiverse and ecologically important areas of the planet.

Transforming Fear into Positive Action - A Shamanic Journey (Bahamas)
While living with hunter-gatherers deep in the Amazon rainforest, John Perkins was told by shamans that in order to positively transform the modern world must “touch the jaguar” in order to stop global destruction. We know we must change, yet we fear change; a jaguar stands on the “bridge of our perceptions,” scaring us away from crossing out of old, destructive paradigms into new, more constructive ones.

Touching The Jaguar, Riding Uncertainty to Higher Consciousness (Blue Spirit Costa Rica)
What opportunities have you gained from the pandemic? What have you learned? How can you embrace uncertainty as an opportunity? Participate in global consciousness change? During these sessions you will delve deeply into answering these questions.
John will share stories that have popularized his books, including the Amazonian shaman who saved his life by “touching the jaguar” and then inducted him as a shaman. He describes teachings learned in Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, and of how his economic hit man inside information is now used to transform a failed degenerative economic system into a regenerative one.

Learning to Enjoy and Prosper from Uncertainty
What opportunities have you gained from the pandemic? What have you learned? What does perceiving uncertainty as an important and even exciting part of your future offer? How can you embrace, enjoy, and prosper from uncertainty?
These are some of the questions you will answer during one or all of the five sessions of this webinar.

POSTPONED - Rise to Higher Consciousness with John Perkins (Costa Rica)
Shamans, therapists, quantum physicists, and thought leaders know that reality is changed by altering perceptions. From the Amazon jungle to the Himalayas, shamans have taught that, to end crises, we must “confront our jaguars” and face the fears that block our access to higher consciousness. Join John, author of NY Times best-seller, Touching the Jaguar, as he and guides you on shapeshifting journeys to raise consciousness and transform personal and global crises.
Although the below trips have been completed for the year, dates for similar future trips will be announced in my monthly newsletter. Please subscribe here.