UPDATE: This workshop is being held virtually through the Blue Spirit website. I'm planning also on being at Blue Spirit at the end of February-early March. Hoping to see you on one or the other.
Shamans, therapists, quantum physicists, and thought leaders know that reality is changed by altering perceptions. From the Amazon jungle to the Himalayas, shamans have taught that, to end crises, we must “confront our jaguars” and face the fears that block our access to higher consciousness. Join John, author of ten books on transformation, including his most recent Touching the Jaguar, as he guides you on shapeshifting journeys to raise consciousness and transform personal and global crises.
“This book (Touching the Jaguar) inspires us to create a new reality of what it means to be humans on this magnificent planet.”
“Touching the jaguar means that you identify your fears and barriers, confront them, alter your perceptions, accept their energy, and take actions to change yourself and the world.”
“Necessity is the mother of invention.”
COVID-19 has forced us to confront new fears and barriers. It asks: What can you do to alter your perceptions and create a more satisfying life for yourself and a better world for people and nature?
Did Plato foresee this time as an opportunity to reinvent ourselves as humans living on a fragile planet?
We can’t know for sure. We do know that the philosophers and shamans of many cultures for centuries have prophesized that 2020 would be a time for us to open ourselves to clearer vision, 2020 vision. Now, 2021 is a time to rise to a higher consciousness, to understand that human-caused crises have forced us to change. We are called up to answer the questions posed in the opening paragraph: What can you do?
John wrote Touching the Jaguar partly to answer those questions. During this workshop he inspires you to delve into the role you can play in creating a better world for you as an individual and for all people and nature. He explains how an Amazonian shaman saved his life by teaching him to “touch the jaguar,” transforming fear into positive action, the ways shamanism taught him to mold reality by changing perceptions and converted him from economic hit man to a crusader for transforming a Death Economy (exploiting declining resources, colonizing people) into a Life Economy (cleaning up pollution, developing regenerative technologies).
John will guide you through shamanic journeys, sacred ceremonies, and other experiential techniques. In the process you will learn a 10-minute practice that begins by answering these questions:
What do I want to do for the rest of my life?
How can I do it in a way that will make a better world?
What are the barriers, the Jaguars, that hold me back?
When I touch those Jaguars, how does my changed perception break down barriers?
What daily actions do I take to transform my reality?
In addition, you will dive into how:
Our perceptions mold reality;
Our perceptions of “materialistic success” have sent the world into severe crises;
Changing our perceptions will convert a failed Death Economy to a successful Life Economy;
Actions by Amazonian people and recent business practices (e.g. B-corps, Conscious Capitalism) exemplify paths that alter reality by adopting new perceptions; and
Each of us can play an important role in creating the new reality.
John says:
When I wrote Touching the Jaguar I had no idea that we’d be hit by a global pandemic. But I did know that massive hurricanes, fires, and other once in 100-year events were happening every year – and that we have to change. And I knew that shamanism, like modern psychotherapy, quantum physics, economics and marketing, is based on perceptions that create reality.
John Perkins is an author and activist whose 10 books on global intrigue, shamanism, and transformation including Touching the Jaguar, Shapeshifting and the classic Confessions of an Economic Hit Man have been on the New York Times bestseller list for more than 70 weeks, sold over 2 million copies and are published in 37 languages. As chief economist at a major consulting firm, he advised the World Bank, United Nations, Fortune 500 corporations, US and other governments. He regularly speaks at universities, economic forums, and shamanic gatherings around the world and is a founder and board member of the nonprofit organizations, the Pachamama Alliance and Dream Change.