Interested In Having John Speak At Your Next Event?
John Perkins is available to speak at events on a wide array of relevant topics. These programs can be presented in 30 - 60 minute segments or as much longer intensive webinars and workshops.
A few samples are listed below; however, John likes to work with organizers to develop talks that are directed at specific audiences.
You’ll be directed to John’s contact form, where you can reach his representatives.
Corruption & Assassination – Secret Weapons of U.S. Policy
Drawing on experiences discussed in his New York Times bestsellers, John Perkins describes the post-World War II era as one that created history’s first truly global empire – mostly through economics, rather than the military. He shares his personal involvement in the “deal of the century” Saudi Arabia money laundering affair, the assassinations of Ecuador’s President Jaime Roldos and Panama’s Omar Torrijos, the campaign against Saddam Hussein, and more. He discusses his role as a leader in promoting what he calls a death economy, based on ravaging resources. Then he takes the discussion to the next level by offering practical strategies for turning the death economy into a life economy – one that cleans up pollution and creates new technologies for energy, transportation, banking, communications, and manufacturing.
Geo-Politics, The Future, & You: A Call To Action
John Perkins discusses his experiences as an economic hit man, the empire that resulted from those actions, and the plan for creating a sustainable, regenerative, just, and peaceful world as presented in his book The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. After ten years as an economic hit man, Perkins had an epiphany in 1980, as he sat in the ruins of an old sugar plantation in the Virgin Islands. He was struck by the realization that the plantation was built on the bones of slaves and then he had to admit that his line of work was the modern equivalent of a slaver. In this program, he discusses this epiphany which initiated his personal change, and the reasons he is optimistic that we can create human societies our children will be proud to inherit.
Economic Hit Man & the Prophecies – Changing The World
Sharing his experiences as a shaman’s apprentice – John Perkins leads you on a journey of optimism for creating a sustainable, regenerative, just, and peaceful world. “We have entered a period in history,” he says, “that is prophesized by many cultures as a time to leave behind a colonizing world view and recognize that we are but one community of a fragile species living on a tiny planet.” These prophecies are consistent with shifts in policies that Perkins sees occurring throughout the corporate world. In this program, he tells the stories of Polynesian shamans who shapeshift through oceans, Amazonian warriors who transform into anacondas, Andean bird people and Tibetan monks who bi-locate across mountains. These shamans teach that life is energy and that new forms become possible by altering energy patterns on individual, institutional, and global levels. Perkins shares how you can create this change and work toward developing sustainable and regenerative systems in your personal and/or business life.
Attaining The Heights Of Leadership
Changes in economic and social trends offer corporate managers opportunities to become great leaders. We have arrived at perhaps the greatest revolution in history, a Consciousness Revolution. We understand that systems that pollute and squander resources have failed us; they must be replaced by ones that enhance the environment and global living standards. John Perkins has devoted four decades to managing companies and advising corporations, governments, and international agencies on strategies for success. Join him as he shares his insights and his optimism for the future and spells out strategies that will work for you and your business.
You’ll be directed to John’s contact form, where you can reach his representatives.