Blue Spirit Costa Rica 2022
with John Perkins
COVID-19 has forced us to confront fears and barriers.
Spiritual teachers, therapists, quantum physicists, shamans, and marketing experts know that reality is changed by altering perceptions. Prophesies from cultures around the world teach that to end personal and global crises we must face and harness our fears– touch and ride the jaguar (dragon, Satin, negative thoughts) – to higher consciousness. We are asked: What can I do to alter my perceptions and create a more satisfying life and a better world?
For most of our 250,000 years as humans, we embraced uncertainty. It was part of life. It taught us to adjust, to forge new tools, and develop innovative solutions to problems. Indigenous people welcome uncertainty as an adventure that offers opportunities for spiritual, emotional, and social growth.
What opportunities have you gained from the pandemic? What have you learned? How can you embrace uncertainty as an opportunity? Participate in global consciousness change? During these sessions you will delve deeply into answering these questions.
John will share stories that have popularized his books, including the Amazonian shaman who saved his life by “touching the jaguar” and then inducted him as a shaman. He describes teachings learned in Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, and of how his economic hit man inside information is now used to transform a failed degenerative economic system into a regenerative one.
John Perkins is teaching in Wisdom & Wellbeing at Blue Spirit Multi-Faculty Week 4, January 29 – February 5, 2022.
You will be guided through shamanic journeys, sacred ceremonies, and other experiential techniques. In the process you will learn a 10-minute practice that begins by answering these questions:
• What do I want to do for the rest of my life?
• How can I do it in a way that will make a better world?
• What are the barriers, the jaguars and dragons, that hold me back?
• When I touch and ride those Jaguars, how does my changed perception break down barriers?
• What daily actions do I take to transform my reality?
John says:
When I wrote Touching the Jaguar I had no idea that we’d be hit by a global pandemic. But I did know that massive hurricanes, fires, and other once in 100-year events were happening every year – and that we have to change. I knew that the world’s spiritual traditions offer the cure to a an economic system that is itself a viral pandemic.
“This book (Touching the Jaguar) inspires us to create a new reality of what it means to be humans on this magnificent planet.”
-Deepak Chopra“Touching the jaguar means that you identify your fears and barriers, confront them, alter your perceptions, accept their energy, and take actions to change yourself and the world.”
-Amazonian shaman“To attain the Grail (higher consciousness) go to the edge of the forest. Enter at the darkest place – alone. When you encounter dragons, follow your heart and use your mind, not your sword. Ride your dragons to the Grail.”
-Merlin to King Arthur’s Court