Wonderful News!

By John Perkins

I’m thrilled to share wonderful news with you! My new book debuts this month. It describes the new and nefarious economic hit man (EHM) strategy that, since my last EHM book in 2016, has pitted China and the US against each other in a struggle that is headed toward global disaster. Perhaps even more importantly, it offers a strategy to turn this into the greatest opportunity we humans have experienced. We are poised to transform the degenerative global death economy that causes climate change, species extinctions, income inequality and other crises into a regenerative life economy that cleans up pollution, restores devastated environments, and develops recycling technologies. 

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, 3rd Edition: China’s EHM Strategy; Ways to Stop the Global Takeover is about how you can participate in this transformation. 

You may pre-order it now and the book will be shipped soon. Preordering will help assure that you receive the book as soon as it's released (Feb 28th), and helps get the book onto the bestseller lists — ultimately spreading our message to the largest number of changemakers. 

You can watch a short trailer about the book at:

I'm also excited to invite you to my community book launch event, an open opportunity to join this crucial discussion while hearing from myself, bestselling author Lynne Twist, the brilliant economist Nomi Prins, and longtime friend and collaborator Greg Palast this Friday, February 17th at 10:30am PT.

Register to join the launch event here.

You are part of a global community of changemakers. Together we will make the transition. Please share this article with your friends and family and all those in your networks who can help elevate us to new understandings of what it means to flourish in a life economy on a living earth.  

With deep appreciation,



Reversing Economic Hit Man Strategies that Threaten All Life


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