Touching The Jaguar

Virtual Book Tour

Join John for a virtual LIVE event hosted by bookstores and organizations around the country!

Note: Before the pandemic, John was planning to do a bi-coastal in-person book tour like he has done with past books. Of course we are in different times now and are grateful for our bookstore partners for working with us to move our events online! Especially during these times, we want to support local bookstores and encourage you to purchase your copy of Touching The Jaguar from your favorite local bookseller.


Join any event from anywhere in the world

Tuesday, October 20 | San Francisco, CA

Book Passage | In store event with John Perkins

7pm PST | Book Passage Corte Madera location, 51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera, CA 94925

To be rescheduled for October | NYC

New York Open Center | Full day workshop with John Perkins

10am - 5:30pm EST

Members $155/ Nonmembers $175


Monday, June 22 | NYC

Shakespeare & Co | Online event with John Perkins hosted by best-selling author Robyn Youkilis

6:30-8:00pm EST

Thursday, June 25 | Coral Gables, FL

Books & Books | Online event with John Perkins hosted by best-selling author Thom Hartmann

7pm EST

Monday, June 29 | Pachamama Alliance

Resilience and Possibility in These Times | Online event with John Perkins hosted by Pachamama Alliance co-founder, Bill and Lynne Twist


Monday, July 13 | Denver, CO

Tattered Cover | Online event with John Perkins

5pm MT | 4pm PST

Wednesday, July 29 | Portland, OR

Powell’s | Online event with John Perkins hosted by David Korten

5pm PST

Monday, August 6 | Boulder, CO

Boulder Bookstore | Online event with John Perkins

5pm MT | 4pm PST