Visual Timeline
Scroll down to start your journey through over 50 years of Economic Hitman history.
1945 - 1980s
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My first professional portrait
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My grandfather Charles Perkins (1878-1958) was taken from NH by his parents as an infant to homestead in S Dakota. They both died about 20 years later and shortly after this photo he returned to NH.
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Mom, Ruth Moody Perkins, 1910-1996
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Tilton School diploma handed to me by 1960s TV celeb John Daily, 1963
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Saying" Goodbye" to my dog Joe at NH cottage before leaving for Peace Corps, after graduating from BU business school, 1968
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With Ann, outside "home" during Peace Corps training in California, 1968
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With fellow Peace Corps trainees celebrating on beach after arriving in Ecudor (John is 2nd from right, Ann is 1st on left). Photo by Gary Hill
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In Cuenca Ecuador, preparing for 1st trip into the Amazon, 1968
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"Am I really headed for the jungle?"
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John crossing an Amazon jungle river, 1968
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With an Ecuadorian child in one of the Peace Corps' projects
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With Peace Corps mules in the Amazon, 1968
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DC3 "stopwatch" plane connecting Andean city of Cuenca with jungle town of Sucua, Ecuador -- flying down river gorges, often encountering fog. "After 15 seconds bank 5% to right, after another 10 seconds. . . "
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A plaque honoring my dad, Jason Perkins (1915-2003), outside the classroom where he taught for 37 years at Tilton School
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Shuar house
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A Shuar community
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MAIN's CEO Mac Hall and President Jake Dauber, 1971
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Official MAIN photo
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The Wisma, guest house, where MAIN's team lived in Bandung, Indonesia, 1971
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With Rasy's sister outside Wisma, Bandung, Indonesia
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Wisma staff, Bandung, Indonesia
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With mom and dad celebrating my promotion to chief economist, 1972
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Hong Kong and the Mandarin Hotel where I often stayed
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My "home away from home" during my first EHM trip in 1971 and many times thereafter during the 1970s
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One of Jakarta's famous -- infamous -- canals
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Typical 1970s inter-island Indoensian trading boat
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A trip I've never written much about!
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Hilton Hotel, Tehran.
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My Nana, Lula Bisbin Moody, 1878-1963
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I spent a number of weeks on assigment in Alexandria, shocked by how cold it could get on the Mediterranean
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One more trip I have not written much about.
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Bolivia: Another trip I've never written much about!
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Sitting in the Hotel Panama lobby, I saw this photo in TIME. Later Graham walked past me into the coffee shop. I followed him and took a table beside his. When I told him he was one of my favorite writers, he said he had read and admired my op-ed in the Boston Globe about US colonialism in Panama. Omar had shown it to him.
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Returning from Mexico I moved from a penthouse overlooking Boston Commons onto this 30 ft sailboat; then during a 1980 sailing vacation in the Caribbean, made the decision to quit my EHM job.
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The penthouse (just below top left corner) overlooking Boston Commons I left for the sailboat. Photo taken many years later!
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A few of the many papers I published to justify the inflated forecasts we produced and that helped me get lucrative consulting jobs after quitting MAIN
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Archbald Power Corp, a subsidiary of my Independent Power Systems, led the way in alternative energy with this intial financing (approx $140, 000, 000 in 2022 dollars)
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AS CEO of Independent Power Systems and Archbald Power Corp, my contacts in high places helped this high-risk business become phenomenally successfull. 1988
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Fascinated by Indian lore at an early age, I did ceremony with these Mohawks in upstate NY
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My first novel, written in 5th grade, gained an "A" when submitted as special project in 7th grade history class. My interest in N. Am Indians convinced me to request Amazon for Peace Corps.
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Tilton School yearbook photo for editor in chief of school newspaper, 1963
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Tilton School tennis team (2nd from right)
1981 - Early 2000s
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Wedding day with Winifred Grant Perkins, 1981
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Being honored by Shuar for raising money to help them maintain their landing strip
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First group to visit Achuar and start the Pachamama Alliance, 1995.
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Fundacion Pachamama director, Belen Paez (far left) meeting with Achuar leaders.
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My blood-brother, co-author of "Spirit of the Shuar", and war leader during the Peru-Ecuador war, Shakaim Mariano Chumpi
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My friend and co-trip leader Daniel Koupermann with an Achuar on one of the Amazon's headwaters.
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With Q'ero shamans in Peru
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Mayan nana (woman shaman) and her husband, Guatemala
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Mayan fire ceremony
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Tikal, Guatemala
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Mayan tata (male shaman) with one of our groups at Lake Petan Itza, Guatemala
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Jessica Grant Perkins was born in 1982
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Ceremony in the sacred waters of Lake Petan Itza
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Kogi in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains, Colombia
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With the nonprofit I founded, Dream Change, I took people on trips to India, Ladakh, Napal and Tibet. Here in Ladakh, listning to the Dalai Lama speak.
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Our group was invited to spend an afternoon with the Dalai Lama at his home in nortern India. 1999
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After a great afternoon, everyone received a blessing and scarf from His Holiness. In this case, Dr. Eve Bruce who co-led the trip and workshops with me.
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Potala Palace, Lhasa Tibet, where the Dalai Lama grew up. 2004.
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With Dream Change people: Dr Eve Bruce, Peruvian healer Claycha, Brazilian shaman Ipupiara, and Mary Tendal -- at the Archbald power plant built by my Independent Power Systems. 2003
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Jessica loved to go to rodeos
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and show of her femine side
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The Shuar asked me to bring people to learn how to change the destructive dream of the modern world. Depending on weather and roads, in the late 1980s it was a 12-20 hour drive from Quito to Shell and then an hour-long small plane ride into Shuar territory
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Shuar warrior making blowgun darts. Throughout the 1990s until the present, Daniel Koupermann and I took small groups to learn from people in many Latin American cultures and countries about changing the dream of the modern world.
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Shuar shaman playing musical instrument, tumank; his wife is preparing chicha manioc beer
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Shuar hunter shooting blowgun.
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Shuar shaman preparing for ayahuasca ceremony
Early 2000s - 2017
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Trudie Styler joins me for talk at Coral Gables FL bookstore, while her husband Sting sat quietly in the audience, 2007
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Talking with Yoko Ono, Iceland, 2012
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My one shot at the front page of the LA TIMES fashion section. Both Lady Gaga and I were awarded the Lennon-Ono Peace Grant by Yoko Ono in Iceland, 2012.
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Meeting with Oscar Arias, former Costa Rican president and winner of Nobel Peace Prize, 2013
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With CEO of nonporfit that helps war ordinance victims (and future partner) Kiman Lucas, Hanoi, 2013. I was on her board of advisors.
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Contemplating the Death Economy beside captured US chopper, Hanoi 2013
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Huế, Vietnam, 2013
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Visiting a school built and funded by Kiman's nonprofit, 2013.
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Sightseeing after meetings with USAID in Bangkok, 2013
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With Junior Chamber of Commerce head Berna Baykal, before speaking at her event in Istanbul, 2013.
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With Willie Nelson at Carnegie Hall fundraiser for Democracy Now! 2008
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With Uluç Özülker, Turkey’s former representative to both the European Union and the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). Istanbul 2013.
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Milan, 2013.
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Italian national TV 2013
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Aosta Italy 2013
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Speaking at the Babel Summit, Aosta Italy, 2013.
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Pondering the "games" of Rome iand the brutal history of empires that built the Death Economy, Rome, 2013.
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Back in the Amazon between trips to Asia and Europe, 2013.
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Dan Wiedan, founder and CEO of Wiedan + Kennedy advertising agency, my roommate on his first trip to the Achuar in the Amazon and major supporter of the Life Economy -- in the "Bird's Nest "at the top of his creative and spectacular office building, Portland OR, 2013
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With Priscilla and Dan Wiedan, after their honeymoon on the Pachamama Alliance's co-founders Amazon trip, 2013
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Kiman at Lake Geneva, during our visit to Switzerland, 2014.
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Dream Change board member, Llyn Roberts, Jane Goodall, and me in Panama, 2009
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About to board the Japanese Peace Boat In 2014 and again in 2015 I lectured on the Peace Boat, a Japanese cruise ship traveling between Venezula and (through the Panama Canal) Guatemala.
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Giving a lecture aboard the Japanese Peace Boat.
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Q and A on Peace Boat -- through Japanese interpreters
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In the Darien jungle region of Panama, 2014.
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Speaking at Lightening in a Bottle Festival, CA, 2014
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Hanging out with Barbara Marx Hubbard, Bainbridge IS, WA, 2014.
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Our medieval residence while I was lecturing at Oxford University, 2014. From their I lectured at Cambridge U.
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Speaking at historic St James Church, Westminster, Eng, 2014
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With Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, before the RT London show, "The Keiser Report," Oct 2014
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On Max Keiser's "The Keiser Report" RT show in London, Oct 2014 )
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With Jane Goodall, discussing issues with environmental activists in Panama, 2009
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Kiman and guide in presidential Palace, Bucharest, Romania, 2014
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Spent several weeks, traveling around Romania, speaking at universities and other venues -- Iasi Romania, 2014
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Visiting the disturbing site of gold-mining devastation to the environment, Romania, 2014
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Mountain destroyed by Canadian gold mining company, Romania, 2014
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Interviewed for Romanian TV, Bucharest, 2014
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Chatting with Romanian journalist (and later Senator) Mihai Gotiu in Bucharest, 2014.
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Guiding a group in Machu Picchu Peru, 2014
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At actress Sienna Miller's home, London 2015
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Speaking to the people of Aruba, 2015.
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Continued to take groups of people every year to visit Mayan sacred sites and learn from the shamans, Guatemala
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Some of my students in the CEIBS MBA program, Shanghai, China, 2009
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Discussing Aruba's commitment to alternative energy and ocean ecology with Aruba's President "Mike" Eman, Oranjestad, 2015.
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Back in the Amazon with Steve Donziger, the lawyer who defended the Indigenous people agaist Chevron, and Achuar guide Marco Vargas, 2016.
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Edinburgh, Scotland, 2016.
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National Gallery, Edinburgh 2016
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Kiman and one of Scotland's famous "hairy coos," 2016
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Introducing the "New Confessions" with authors John Gray ("Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus") and Marci Shimoff ("Happy for No Reason," "Chicken Soup" series) in San Francisco, 2016.
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The "New Confessions" took me on a book tour that drew audiences in many cities, including Washington DC. 2016.
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And many radio interviews and discussions, Wasington DC, 2016.
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On the Thom Hartmann show, Washington DC, 2016.
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With Mandy Zhang, one of CEIBS’s MBA student leaders, Shanghai, China, 2009
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Powell's Bookstore, Portland OR, 2016
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Speaking at book store in Coral Gables, FL 2016 (Sting and his wife Trudie Styler had joined me during my earlier talk at this store).
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Quebec City, 2016.
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Fellow speaker at 2016 TEDx Michael Lehnert, a retired US Marine major general who supported my ideas about the US invasion of Panama.
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Taking a break from book touring with John and Bonnie Gray at their Bay Area home, 2016.
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Facilitating a workshop at Evolutionary Leaders conf in Carson National Forest, N Mex, 2016.
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Bestselling authors Gary Zukav and Linda Francis (co-authored "Seat of the Soul") and famous social/environmntal justice lawyer Daniel Sheehan, at Ashland OR conference 2017.
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With 2 lawyers, Kiman and Danny Sheehan, Ashland OR, 2017
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Speaking at Conscious Life Expo, Los Angeles, 2017
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On a panel with Greg Palast, Vandana Shiva, and Barbara Marx Hubbard, 2017
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With Joseph Yu, one of CEIBS’s MBA student leaders, Shanghai, China, 2009
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At the table where the World Bank and IMF were created, Bretton Woods, NH, 2017
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"The Mansion" build by Charles Tilton, now owned by Tilton School, where I stayed during my annual 1-week pre-pandemic teaching stints at the place where I grew up and my dad taught.
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Guatemalan Mayan Tata Julio Tot conducting fire ceremony on one of the annual trips 2007-present.
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(From L) Carol Blue Hitchens, US author John Perkins, Yoko Ono, US singer Lady Gaga, Craig and Cindy Corrie, parents of peace activist Rachel Corrie pose during the Lennon Ono Grant For Peace awards ceremony in Reykjavik, Iceland on October 9, 2012. This year's recipients are Lady GaGa, Rachel Corrie, John Perkins, Christopher Hitchens and Pussy Riot. AFP PHOTO / Thorvaldur Orn Kristmundsson (Photo credit should read Thorvaldur Orn Kristmundsson/AFP/GettyImages)
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With Lady Gaga, Iceland, 2012
2017 - Present
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Joining Pachamam Alliance co-founders Bill and Lynne Twist at one of our annual fund-raising dinners attended by nearly 1000 people.
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Entering main auditorium at SPIEF
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Indian Prime Minister Modi speaking at SPIEF 17
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Russian President Putin speaking at SPIEF 17
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Kiman "interviewed" by Israeli "mind-reader." 2017
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Kiman "touching the jaguar" at SPIEF17 reception
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One of the more informal SPIEF meetings to discuss international crises.
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On to the Astana (Kazakhstan) Economic Forum where I was welcomed by Maxat Kurbenov, one of the conference organizers. 2017
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Professor Sailau Baizakov, a highly respected Kazakhstani scientist and economist and his grandson, Nauryz Baizakov, Senior Expert at Kazakhstan’s Economic Research Institute. They became my pre-conference guides around the incredible city of Astana, 2017.
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Nauryz Baizakov, Dream Change director Samantha Thomas, and me taking in the sites of Astana.
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Serving on a panel at the Kazakhstan summit, 2017
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With Daniel Koupermann, in one of our visits to the Kogi of Colombia.
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Kazakhstan Economic Forum, 2017
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Discussions with President Putin's economic advisor, Dr. Sergey Glazyev, Kazakhstan, 2017
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Discussions with President Putin's economic advisor, Dr. Sergey Glazyev, Kazakhstan, 2017
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Discussions with President Putin's economic advisor, Dr. Sergey Glazyev, Kazakhstan, 2017
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Discussions with President Putin's economic advisor, Dr. Sergey Glazyev, Kazakhstan, 2017
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Discussions with President Putin's economic advisor, Dr. Sergey Glazyev, Kazakhstan, 2017
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With President Putin's economic advisor, Dr. Sergey Glazyev, Kazakhstan, 2017
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Djoomart Otorbaev, former Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan
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Dinner guests with Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev (lower right):
Wenchai Zhang (middle) - Vice President of the Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Alexander Kwasniewski (lower left) - Former President of the Republic of Poland
Me (upper left)
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Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev
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Meeting with Kazakhstan Prime Minister Bakhytzhan Sagintayev (and interpreter)
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With Kazakhstan Prime Minister Bakhytzhan Sagintayev
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"The Mansion" build by Charles Tilton, now owned by Tilton School, where I stayed during my annual 1-week pre-pandemic teaching stints at the place where I grew up and my dad taught.
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Enjoying Barcelona after facilitating weeklong workshop with Margo Anand, 2017
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With author Gary Zukav, Portland OR, 2017
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With Deekpak Chopra, Sivananda, Bahammas, 2017
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With physicist and authors, Menas C. Kafatos and Deepak Chopra, Bahamas, 2017
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Kiman and me, Tuscany Italy 2017
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The adult jaguar I nearly hit while kayaking near Kapawi, 2017
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With Rainforest Action Network founder Randy Hayes, NYC, 2018
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Speaking at Texas A and M, 2017
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With Sean Stone in Sydney Australia, 2018. We were on a speaking tour together and took some time off to enjoy the beach.
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Checking out ancient caves and drawings north of Sydney.
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On Nassau radio, Bahamas, 2018.
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The old pirate fort, Nassau.
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Prince William Lobkowicz and his wife Alexandra Florescu (of Romania) -- heir of palaces, museums, and estates in the Czech Republic. Prague, 2018.
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Two famous journalists, Tomas Etzler, former CNN reporter who worked in China and CNN's Jim Clancy, peaking at the Melting Pot, Colours of Ostrava, the Czech Republic, 2018.
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Speaking at the Melting Pot, Colours of Ostrava, the Czech Republic; both in 2017 and 2018.
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With Jim Clancy, CNN correspondent, at the Colours of Ostrava, the Czech Republic, 2018.
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Dialoguing at the Melting Pot, Colours of Ostrava, the Czech Republic, 2018.
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Talking about solving global crises at the Envision Festival in Costa Rica, 2017
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Sharing the stage with Sapara leader Manari Ushigu, Fundacion Pachama's Belen Paez, and their son, Meltiong pot, Czehia, 2018
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Dialoguing with famous Czech economist and TV personality (far right); we did this both in 2017 and 2018.
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Caring for a young orphaned sloth in the Sapara community of Naku, Amazon, 2018
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With Daniel Koupermann, Achuar Territory, 2018
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Speaking in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, 2019
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Preparing for Pachamama Alliance fund-raising event with (from left) Sara Vetter, Manari Ushigua (Sapara), Narcisa Mashienta (Shuar), Alys Olmstead, and Lynne Twist
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With the Kogi, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Mountains, Colombia, 2018
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Celebrating the publication of "Jaguar" with Kiman, 2020.
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Celebrating the publication of "Jaguar" with Kiman's step-mom, Susie Lucas, 2020.
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Kiman, 2020
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We were met at St Peterburg airport by Victor, our driver (of a big black Mercedes), guide, and protector -- all provided by the Russian government. He showed us around the magnificant Peterhof Palace
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Jaggy at 8 weeks, celebrating the publication of "Jaguar," 2020.
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Working with 8 month-old Jaggy , Dec 2020
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With grandson Grant Ethan Miller and Jessica, 2021.
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With Samantha Thomas at the Dartmouth College library's Orozco mural room, 2021
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With Rachel Bessey at NH's Smith Pond, 2021
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Being filme by English crew on Bicknell trail, NH, 2021
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Christmas with Derek, Jessica, Grant, and Jack, 2021.
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Mayan tata (male shaman) with one of our groups at Lake Petan Itza, Guatemala
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Interviewing Zhihe Wang and Meijun Fan for "Confessions #3" 2021
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Prior to the economic forum, in addition to Peterhof, we visited the Hermitage and many other historic sites and museums in St. Petersburg.
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With the poet David Whyte, wife Gayle, and daughter Charlotte at Blue Spirit, Costa Rica, 2022
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Blue Spirit, Costa Rica 2022
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Blue Spirit, Costa Rica 2022
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I nearly collided with this beautiful adult jaguar while kayaking near the Kapawi lodge, Achuar Territory, Amazon, Ecuador.
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With Amazonian Sapara leader Manari Usigua before Pachamama Alliance fund-raiser, San Francisco, 2017
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From left: Ernesto Tsenkuak, territory leader for Achuar Federation (NAE), me, Wiwir Tsmaraint, vice president of NAE. Belen Paez of Fundacion Pachamama, Bill and Lynne Twist of Pachamama Alliance, Tiyua Ununkar, president of NAE, my "brother" and co-facilitator of many trips, Daniel Koupermann. Kapawi Lodge, Achuar Territory, Ecuador.ian Amazon, 2019
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Hanging out on Bainbridge Island with Zhihe Wang and Meijung Fan, 2022
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Hanging out on Bainbridge Island with Zhihe Wang, David Korten, and Meijung Fan, 2022
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The Otavalan (Ecuador) shaman Maria Juana Yamberla and her shaman son Tarquino Yamberla, at their home, Aug 2022
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The Otavalan (Ecuador) shaman Maria Juana Yamberla and her shaman son Tarquino Yamberla, Aug 2022
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We loved this wonderful city and its people -- of course, that was before the Ukraine war. 2017
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Looking from our bus at the Agoyan hydroelectric dam I helped plan and finance, Pastaza River, Ecuador.,2022.
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Kiman waiting for keynote session in St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2017 (SPIEF 17) to begin.