Thank you for ordering 

Touching The Jaguar!

As a thank you for ordering Touching The Jaguar, my team and I have put together several bonus materials for you. Below you will see details on how to join our community Facebook group, download the "Get Into Action" PDF, watch the recording of the Jumpstart workshop and past Jaguar Series calls, and join in for future calls.

Looking forward to connecting more,

John Perkins Headshot (1).png

How to access your bonuses:



Click the button below to request to join the private community Facebook group. We have hundreds of awesome people from all over the world united for a common vision. Once you've joined, please introduce yourself, sharing where you live and if you've previously read any of my books.


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Touching the Jaguar provides a strategy for each of us to overcome our barriers, break through our fears, expand our awareness, and act in new ways that heal the wounds we’ve inflicted on ourselves and our planet.

The following pages provide a summary of that strategy and offer you a journal to help map out a life that will bring you deep personal satisfaction and also contribute to raising global consciousness.


Click play on the video below to watch the workshop recording. Share your insights in the Facebook group.

 Jaguar Series Session Recordings

Session 6: Rev. D on Racial and Social Justice


Session 5: Ani & Joe Honan on people, planet, and profit: how to use disruptive technologies (like Blockchain, AI, Virtual Reality, Robotics, and more) to create a higher purpose business. 

Here are resources provided by Joe and Ani to learn more about exponential technologies:
A couple of key concepts:
Abundance mindset
 – the idea that technology can help and enable a better world
The “6 Ds” of disruption:   Digitized, Deceptive, Disruptive, Demonetized, Dematerialized, Democratized
Online Resources:
Peter Diamandis Abundance Insider Blog
Quick overview of Blockchain
Great site on Exponentials:
Exponential Guide to Blockchain
Exponential Guide to Artificial Intelligence
FutureLoop (AI assisted news curation):
General Technology Channels:
Abundance by Peter Diamandis (2012)
Bold by Peter Diamandis (2015)
The Future is Faster than you Think by Peter Diamandis (2020)
AI Super Powers by Kai-Fu Lee
Lifespan by David Sinclair, PhD
How to Build a Spaceship by Ray Kurzweil
The Singularity is Near by Ray Kurzweil
Sapiens  (to understand the human species) by Yuval Noah Harari
The Fourth Turning (to understand human cycles & seasons by William Strauss & Neil Howe
Yunity Website:


Session 4: Steven Donziger and Paul Paz y Mino

Actions to take: - Learn about the historic Chevron case, environmental harm done in Ecuador, and attacks on Steven Donziger - Sign the petition to free Steven Donziger -  make a contribution toward Steven’s legal fees - hear personal accounts of those affected by Chevron and more

  • Spread the story to those in your network 

  • Reach out to journalists on social media & repeatedly ask why they are not covering Steven’s case

  • If you have connections with former judges or others in a position of power, share the story and ask that they speak up and demand that Judge Kaplan be reviewed and impeached 

Stay connected to Paul and Steven on Twitter here: @Sdonziger @paulpaz

Session 3: Lynne Twist on The Soul of Money


Session 2: Mayan Shaman Tata Julio Tot on Mayan Spirituality

Thank you Julio for this wonderful experience. To learn more about how to support Julio during this challenging financial time in the form of a donation OR how to schedule a 1:1 offering with Julio (seed reading, ceremony or study group) click on the button below.


Session 1: How to Change Reality + Shamanic Journey with John Perkins


Say hi on Instagram @jperkinsauthor. I am posting there daily and would love to connect!